Today on my way home from Birmingham I was totally in the mood for some "girl" music. You other ladies out there know what I'm talking about. Music you feel a connection to, that you can sing really loud to, and only other girls would probably enjoy it with you. I'll give you some of my personal favorites...
My own personal mix: This -downloaded- collection consists of artists such as Jewel, Sarah McLachlan, Aretha Franklin (R-E-S-P-E-C-T!), Alanis Morrisette, Sheryl Crow, Janis Joplin, and maybe one or two others.

Shania Twain: Particularly her extremely popular and legendary album,
Come On Over. (Table and I used to listen to this all the time...until we lost it. We are now working hard to get a new one, because this album just doesn't get old. You can listen to it again and again.)
*My Best Friends's Wedding Soundtrack: This album has "I love you" songs, "I miss you" songs, serious songs, funny songs. Just a great mix.
So, ladies, what are some of your personal favorites? Comments?
Cal-el of Krypton says nothing...... but shivers as the blood seems to centrally locate from the thought of listening to all those songs!
oh owl, you took the good ones,which by the way are totally mine. But definitely good selections.
Man! I feel like a woman~!
"So, ladies, what are some of your personal favorites? Comments?"
Notice how 2 of the 3 comments so far were guys...... and Nathan, I'm going to pretend I never read that.
jennifer knapp
the way i am
oh yes
That Don't Impress Me Much and You're Still the One, both by Ms. Shania. Two total chick songs. Love 'em!
Avril Lavigne has a few good chick songs. I don't hate to admit it that I am "into" chick songs in a big way. Ok, not too big. I prefer to think, just big enough. I feel like I can identify in a way, but I can't really explain that. They are fun, though.
It is laughable to hear you women talk about "girl" music. We men will let you continue to believe in this women's lib movement myth as long as you ultimately realize that really its not that its yalls music but just music that the more dominate male species rejected and left for yall.....
And no back talk or I will uncover all your heads!
Umm, hang on there, Ely Boy. Methinks I feel a draft in your theory, which perchance cometh from a hole: the women's lib movement would vehemently reject the notion that a) women are inherently different from men such that they would require different music, and b) that women should be considered chicks. Therefore the entire notion of "girl music" or "chick music" is actually antithetical and anathemic to the whole feminist ideology (and isn't it amusingly convenient how easily we can mispronounce that word to make it idiotology?).
So your job, big man person, is just to sit back and think we're really devastatingly cute while we run around in leopard print in the desert and ask you if you think you're Brad Pitt or something. Get it? Palpitate or go wobbly in the knees or something instead of threatening to rip our hair out, alright? Trust me, you'll have more fun that way.
Chick music rules. If we were just like men, we wouldn't get such a kick out of it. And if there weren't any men, we wouldn't enjoy it -- or anything else.
Oh, and by the way, Ely Boy, I think you're really cute. Especially when you act like you think you're Brad Pitt or something.
Well thank you Queen for your enlightening theories....however I feel that it is just goes to show you how much women will get to thinkin' if they arn't kept barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen....
You're very cute to use such big words like "antithetical" and "anathemic"
But if it doesn't have anything to do with "Bake on 360 for 30-45 mins" it means nothing to me.
And thankyou for thinking I'm am Brad Pitt...I actually think my manly physique is a little better than his but who's countin.
(by the way just doing all this male shovenist pig stuff because I like getting the response for I am a man starving for attention and just want to be loved)
P.S. My word verification is the word "fuaqt" which I think we should start using and 100 points to the first person who can come up with it in a intellegent sentance. I think it should be pronounced (fw-act)
By the way, el'nay, the vast majority of recipes are baked at 350, not 360. I don't think I've ever baked anything at 360 degrees in my entire (and allow me to say..."long")life.
Just one of those fundamentals of life that you can file away to impress girls with.
Or keep saying 360 and let them feel sorry for you as in..."Oh you silly thing. Here, let *me* bake those muffins."
;-) Y'all are all cute.
Sis. Rachel can I just say how much I love sisters like you who would say "Oh you silly thing, Here, let me back those muffins."
God bless all the women out there with such great big hearts to do such things.
I am including you in this too Queen.
Hey! I think barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen is really....cute.
(That isn't the word I'm thinking but it will have to do ;)
Carol King is awesome!
Cowboy Take Me Away (favorite.)
And when I need some loud,
power-house music, Celine Dion is a must; she's over the top! Sooooo nineties. :)
Great choices, Multifarious. I need to get or borrow a Carol King cd, because I know that I know some of her songs, but I can't quite pin her voice. And I had totally forgotten about Dixie Chicks! I love Cowboy Take Me Away, and really, their music in general.
DEAN MARTIN is the BEST! Oh, and we musn't forget to mention Michael Buble. I like that "My Best Friend's Wedding" Soundtrack a lot.
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