So what do you do when all of your guy friends are out of town for the weekend and its just you girls?? That's right, you dress up in ridiculous costumes and go singing and dancing through town. ( I recommend this activity to all) We laughed alot but I think the best part was watching the video tonight when the guys got back and them all being like, that's not normal for you all. Whatever!!! That is us being completely and utterly ourselves. Oh boys do you know us at all?
That is hilarious! Sooo funny. I wish I could have been there.
I love the ?themes? you kinda have going on. You...some kinda water/captain of ship theme. Exotic captain of ship theme. Morgan...uh...exotic space explorer theme. And Bridget and ?Lou?...I don't know. What did ya'll have in mind?
And, bring that video home, sista! You and your friends make the best videos!
That is just insane.....
Plain jane insane....
Oh, man, that spoon again.
I need that spoon.
My, my! Who would have thunk it? I guess this is what the cool cats do when the mice are away, eh?
oh what fun!
what bliss!
what joy!
i want to do that soon!!!!
Which girl is majoring in art?
Love the costume Stone, LOVE IT!!!!
The big pencil and the huge clock around the neck is also awesome!
Bridget in the western outfit and curly red hair is the art major. We are standing in her room.
I really don't know what to say...
basically you people rock.
I mean..pretty much
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