Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm Anxious

There is no other way to say it. I wake up..check email...get in the shower..check email...go to class...come back and...check to the store, oh it could be there i think..check email.....and d this process continues. It is tiring. I don't mean to complain, while tiring on me it is really exciting. I mean I know it will be there some time but I want it to be the next time I check my email. I'm sure some of you are clueless as to what I am so crazy over, sorry bout that, probably should have said that up front. I am waiting to hear from pharmacy schools about my admission for next semester. It's just that this has been 3 years of my life, nothing but pharmacy and it has literally come down to tomorrow or the next day or etc. i think you get the picture. I'll stop ranting now. I could use your prayers.


Anonymous said...

I'm prayin' for ya, girl!

Unknown said...

Holla for Pharmacy school!

Owl of the Desert said...

I totally thought for a minute there that you were just talking about your obssession with e-mail. Because, I don't really have a reason to check my e-mail that often, and yet, I check it every spare moment. I'm addicted.

I will be praying for ya, and I had better get a call the moment you get that e-mail! I love you! You totally rock, Table.

Anonymous said...

I shall most certainly be praying that God will direct down the path that he has planned for you. From personal experience I can attest that God's will is not always the same as my own designs but surely the divine plan is best. However, your friends are confident that you will receive admission. Fret not, worry not.

Lynn Bruce said...

Well, dear girl, the suspense is killing us...