Last night my friends and I went to a production known as dAUnce. It was mostly interpretive dancing and had a friend of mine from high school not been in it, I probably would not have enjoyed it at all. But anyways, not the point. When we got back about 11:00 i was craving sweets..BAD! So what did we do? We loaded up and went to Kroger intending to buy donuts. And some of you know my friends and some of you do not but if you do you will not be suprised to hear that a trip to buy donuts turned into a trip to buy donuts, two boxes of cookies, cheesecake, and popcorn. We were laughing at ourselves so hard..but still bought all of it. We got back to our house and literally sat on the floor and stuffed ourselves with junk while watching a tv show, just us girls of course. (i include the next just because I love it) A little later our friend Steverson, who I wish you all had the priviledge of knowing, came in. Now most of our guy friends would have made some comment about how we were getting ourselves fat..not good, guys don't ever say that. But not Steverson. After first asking if he was ruining girls night, he joined right in the junk fest. I love it!!So that I can rap this up I will just say...it was a hilarious night that ended in all of us feeling sick and going straight to bed. BAD! We're BAD!