Ok, honestly who does this? yea that's right me and my 20 and 21 year old, junior in college friends. It is amazing how you can entertain yourself. People today really don't appreciate the fun and humor you can find in a giant wooden spoon. So here is the story, now you can appreciate and possibly this awesome story will inspire you to do something a little abnormal? but hilarious and fun today. This is us at the Starbucks drive in window. here the giant wooden spoon serves as an easy way to transfer our money into the hands of the Starbucks employee. At first I don't think she knew how to respond to the spoon but she warmed up and put my drink onto the spoon. By this time we are dying out laughing along with her and most of the other starbucks employees who decided to come take a look at all the silliness. Now just think..we caused not only ourselves to smile but also 3 to 4 other people all with a giant wooden spoon. So please participate in some silliness today no matter how old you may be and then share the story with me. peace
Nice blog... college is so much fun. Miss that time of my life, and it is only a few years ago.... keep it up.
Toronto, Canada
I love it! I love it! Boy, I can't wait to get to Auburn...people there don't judge you on the size of your wooden spoon.
Lol....but your right eugene...here...if you don't have a wooden spoon the same size as everyone else...let the judgement begin.
And Table of Stone.......very silly. But you probably stole that idea from me somehow. I just know it.
And look..you even got a completely random guy from canada to respond!
Lets just hope its not the guy from Cordova....
LoL, its funny because I put him in my phone as Creepy Stalker Rob and ever since he then he hasn't called. Which is good but all at the same time I want to see that name flash up on my screen
I think you and this Creepy Stalker Rob have something goin' on you just don't want everyone to know about it....
well you know....
Man, you had me laughing girl! Where in the world did you get such a great random thing as a giant wooden spoon?
That's pretty awesome. When I weird out drive thru workers, I never let them know that I'm kidding around though. So, I get awkward looks and nervous voices. I wait and laugh after I drive away. I guess that's selfish of me.
No, I think its pretty funny. For me, I just can't be serious for that long so it would never work. Carry on.
Emily, that is just the coooolest. You are so funny. Ah, the possibilities of that spoon! May it have a long and useful life.
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