Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ordination Service

I was blessed this weekend to be able to attend the ordination service of Elder Obey Ndalima (sounds like "dilema") from Tanzania, Africa. The service was held at Vestavia Primitive Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL. Elder Obey was blessed to preach from Romans 10:1-3 Saturday morning before the service. He related Paul's desire for his Israelite brethren to his own desire for his Tanzanian brethren. He desires that they be saved from their ignorance. After 5 years in America, and seven years away from his family, he will be returning next week to preach the gospel to his people. Many homes there do not have electricity, running water, or food. He has tremendous zeal, though, and he is so excited to be returning to preach the gospel.

I will never forget the times I have spent with Elder Obey. He changes your way of thinking. I heard him sing three different hymns in his native tongue, Swahili. He encouraged us to think of all the different tongues that will be present in heaven. I just got chills listening to him, and especially when he sang in Swahili and we sang in English. He reminded us of the differences in America and Tanzania, and encouraged us to always be thankful and remember how blessed we are in America. I don't think I've eaten a meal here lately that I haven't thought about what he said...about how wasteful America is. I have been trying to eat every bite of my food.

Please pray for Elder Obey as he returns to Tanzania.


Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
i believe this is the first time i have read your blog, I like it!

You are so right about how wasteful we are in America, thank you for reminding us of that and how thankful we should be.

by the way...this is nathan g.

Owl of the Desert said...

Hey reaganizer! Great to see ya! I had been trying to figure out who you were on the other blogs I I know! :-)