I've been thinking a lot about seeing God in the nature all around us. I've always known that to be true, but I've really tried to dwell on it lately and not miss it. It's so easy for a day to pass by and truly miss all the beauty that surrounds us and testifies of a magnificent Creator.
Tonight, as I travelled to Jasper, I couldn't help but be amazed at the sunset right before my eyes. Now that spring is approaching, I don't leave work in the dark. I can actually see the sun in its waning moments. Sunsets are absolutely beautiful. They leave you speechless and completely inspired. Whether it's trying to comprehend the light itself or the magnitude of its size, or trying to count the many colors the sunset inspires - purples, blues, pinks, oranges - it all points back to Christ. He is our light. He sees and knows each of us individually. He loves us.
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