Ok, here's the deal. Finals are FAST approaching and I'm almost through two semesters of pharmacology which basically means that I don't know everything about drugs but I better know something! So the game? If you don't care to post drugs that either you are on or your parents or whoever really are on, I'll need the generic name and the brand if you have it, then I will guess what they are used for and how they work. I promise to not look them up unless I have to and I'll tell you/ confess to you that I had to if I do. This will benefit me and my studying and well...I'll give anyone who stumps me 5 virtual M&M's! I mean if that isn't a motivator i don't know what is. So let the games begin!
P. S. I'll post the drugs and their results if enough people participate. :)
Disclaimer: No illegal drugs please, not the idea here;)