October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, and leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
-George Cooper
I hope you had the opportunity to at least step outside this past weekend, especially if you live in Alabama. The trees were in full color - bright yellow, orange, and red! I was blessed to be able to travel to Cullman, Alabama on Saturday for a church meeting. Now, perhaps I'm partial, but Alabama has some of the prettiest, scenic drives in the country for just ordinary, day-to-day traveling. So, I drove up I-65, and couldn't help but notice all the various colors, and praise and thank God on my way to church for his creative genius, and blessing us with it. Then, after church, I drove home on Hwy. 69, and saw the same amazing, beautiful sight. I love how God graces us with good things, even as the days begin to get colder and somtimes seemingly more dismal. Enjoy them while they last, for soon they shall begin to fall.
I use to love the drive from Decatur down to Jasper. It was so relaxing and peaceful. Never too much traffic on a Sunday morning and it never failed to be a beautiful God given morning.
I think though for the benfit of those of us who live in fall-less states, you should post some pictures.
Hope to see it in person sometime. We've had quite a colorful landscape here, but it is quickly fading....and falling. So, I need to get busy with the rake. :) God does bless us in so many ways!
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