The Roommates!! I love them

Did I every tell you I LOVE sno biz. We go all the time

We went to the beach for spring break. This is Josh telling us bible stories in a really funny british accent.

They came to Jasper, we shot potato guns on the farm.

Also Alabama game I believe. I just like this picture. Awesome kid that Delaney. He sold his Alabama ticket then dressed up like a member of the chorus and got into the game, FREE!

Byron's Tuesday! 5.00 for two barbeque sandwiches, a side and a drink. Did I mention Tommy Tuberville ate there all the time with us..yea he talked to us once.

Toomer's corner after the Alabama game.

MY FAVORITE!! WE beat Alabama every year I was here!! WAR EAGLE!!

The really scary abandoned factory they actually talked me into going into. Never again, can you tell i'm really freaked out here.

Fun in the Walmart freezer! Always entertaining

The big spoon had to make the cut! (all for you Queen)

The invention of titty ball.

We play dress up ALL the time! Yea we're cool like that.

I haven't paid for a single Chick-fil-A meal since this night. We camped out at the home of the chicken sandwich all night just for that reason. The boys did not allow for one moments sleep, they had Lou and I laughing all night long. Another good night because this is when I met one of my best friends Jeff. (he's in pharmacy too)

One of our many trips to Atlanta which is only 2hrs away from here. This is a really good pizza place called Fillini's. The guys were really mad at us because we beat them to the place when they were the ones with the directions.

Oh, the night of Wanda!! I really feel that you needed to be there..definitely one of my fondest memories and an absolutly hilarious night. Delaney and the 6 of us girls made up a little song about each other and Wanda that night. Good times..

ACF: My first real friends at Auburn, a HUGE part of my Auburn experience. Perry, the bearded one in the middle, is our campus minister and an amazing leader. So thankful for him.
7 days and counting.
It really is hard for me to believe. It seems like just yesterday, seriously, just yesterday that I was moving into a small confined space that was only made smaller by the body of my roommate and all of her stuff, meeting all my friends, having my first class of over a 100 people, taking my first college exam, using the ATM for the first time, buying my own grocieries with the help of self checkout(not yet before seen by me), eating alone in Foy, ordering delivery sandwiches, writing a check for 3.00 to buy icecream, going over the "Bump" on Wire Rd. at all hours of the night (its hard to time it let me tell ya) man the list goes on and on of first for me as I moved to Auburn. So since this amazing time for me that has taught me so much about myself, life, friends, and family is coming to an end, I will attempt to show you just "how awesome it has been"!