Ok, So I have no clue what this blog is going to look like or whether there is any order to these pictures but I wanted to get some up so that you could all see how much fun we had at Harmony Highlands 2006! There are definitely more but this will start us off. I'll explain a few for some. We had an EXTREME volleyball tournament this year that lasted all week. I can' t remember if Cary Anne or Brett's team won but it was intense let me tell ya. I also included some pictures of the games. (I don't know why there is dirt all over Brett's face, one would think camoflauge since we were playing in the woods but his bright blue shirt throws that idea, so maybe intimidation ?) And then of course there was Ranger Owens, a camp favorite I think. So enjoy some pictures, there are more to come.
YAY! I was hoping one of you bama folks would post pics from Highlands! NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait!
Ranger Owens!!! HAHAHAHA. Harmony Highlands was awesome this year. And Brett's team might have won the tournament but they didn't have a cool name like "The Fighting Black Band Half tribe of Manasseh."
More pictures! I NEED MORE PICTURES!
And it is sooo much fun.
Yeah, it was totally a blast this year. I love that picture of you and Chelsea, and the one of Ranger Owens.
I think that the dirt was so that we could see who was on our team...thankfully i got out of that part of it!
Such great fun! I can't wait til next year!
So, did anyone ever come to a decision about the space barbies vs. the irish space pirates?
Yeah, that picture of you and Chelsea is awesome.
I'm definently going to Harmony Highlands next year, even if it means skipping Harmony Hill. :D Great pics, looks like yall had a blast.
No not space barbies, space ninjas. And we decided that the ninjas would definately win because they're ninjas and plus the space pirates would be drunk all the time.
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