- Middlin' - this means to just be doing fair. You don't feel great, but you don't feel poor either. It's somewhere in the middle, thus you are middlin'.
- Piddlin' - this means to be doing something with no particular purpose. Twidlin' your thumbs is a perfect example. Whitlin' is another example. I'll cover both these next.
- Twidlin' - twirling something, usually in reference to your thumbs. But I suppose it could be any other object as well.
- Whitlin' - this term is used most often in reference to wood and cutting away at it with a knife. I think it probably originally comes from the word "whetting", which means to sharpen. Most people are "whitlin" with no particular purpose, thus they are "piddlin' while they're whitlin".
- Fiddlin' - this term has two meanings. It could mean to play a musical instrument, namely the fiddle. Or, it could mean to attempt to fix an object. You may fiddle with a radio, a car, or anything else electronic or mechanical.
Which words have I forgotten? Do you have a different definition for some of these? Please do share!
they need to put a "like" button on blog! This was so cute and funny to read... is it a good thing or a bad thing that I needed no definitions for these terms? :)
You forgot "reckon". They make fun of me to no end down here for saying "I reckon I'm gonna go and do somethin' "
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