I ask this question, "Where is common courtesy?" "From whom," may I ask, "did you learn that it was okay to cut line in front of 100+ people?" "Where did you learn that it was okay to lie?" Oh, yes, I saw you tell that little girl of no more than 6 or 7 years old not to say anything as you swiftly and quietly slipped under the rope to cut in front of another 25+ people. Shame on you, shame, shame, shame!
I was coming back from Charlotte, NC yesterday morning. I woke up around 4:00 am ET to catch a flight that was leaving at 7:15. I arrived at the airport at 6:15 only to see an extremely long Delta line, and a security line that was getting longer by the second. I finally got checked in around 6:45 (when I should have been boarding the plane), and entered the security line. I had just approached the zig-zag part of the line that would wind its way around to the actual explosives/metal detector (approximately 10 minutes from when I entered the line), when this Man In The Suit approached and asked the lady in front of me to cut line, because he had a 7:15 flight. She was taken aback, and didn't know what to say, so I said, "I'm sorry, sir, but my flight is also at 7:15, and there are several of us already in this line that are trying to make the same 7:15 flight." (We had all formed a bond while waiting in the Delta line. This man was nowhere to be found.) Wait for it, wait for it...This Man In The Suit then asked the nice lady if we could BOTH cut in front of her!! I just stood there dumbfounded. So, he hops in line. As we make our way through the zig-zag, we have to pass by the front of the line. And, do you know what he did? He slipped underneath the roping (or at least, that's all I can figure, because one minute he's next to me, and the next he's on the other side of the rope), and was putting his finger to his mouth telling the little girl of 6 or 7 not to say anything. WHAT NERVE!!!
So, I let the nice lady, who I found out was originally from Chile, lived in North Carolina ever since she arrived here in the states marrying an American, and was headed to Aspen, CO for the first time ever to visit some friends, back in front of me. (Her flight wasn't until 7:45). I reached the front of the line around 7:05, and then made a mad dash to my gate, which thankfully was nearby. I boarded my flight for Atlanta at 7:10. 5 minutes to spare!!
But, seriously, why do so many people think it's okay to be rude? Selfish?
This verse comes to mind...
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." II Timothy 3:1-5
To which I say...
"He which testifieth these things saith, 'Surely I come quickly.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Revelation 22:20
i struggle in these kind of situations. i have to say over and over again "Represent Jesus. Represent Jesus. Calling him names is not an option. Represent Jesus."
Shame on him, I bet his momma raised him better. Maybe shame on her too if she didn't.
Reminds me of Proverbs 12:22, "Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight."
Just remember that you did what was right, but not cheating and breaking in line. It's a shame what he was teaching that child by example.
I can honestly say, I have never encountered a situation like that before. I couldn't possibly imagine how I would handle such a situation... Jim, however, being from NY would tell the guy to "beat it" or "get to steppin" (You can take the Christian out of NY but you can take the NY out of a Christian) :)
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